Pastor-Elect Nicholas Johnson Installation

Sanctuary Renovation Project

Who We Are

peddiechurchhistoricbuildingrenovationcoverWe are an international church with people representing over twenty nations from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, and the West Indies. Essential to our conviction is that all human beings are created in the image of God and each person is irreplaceably precious. We embrace the new reality that in Christ God has broken down every dividing wall between ethnic groups and social classes, and we strive to reach out to all peoples with the love and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Located in Downtown Newark, we are at a strategic intersection of bustling pedestrian peddiechurchhistoricbuildingrenovation3traffic, with thousands of people from all walks of life passing by each day. We are within a walking distance to YMCA, New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC), Prudential Center, Rutgers University, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), and several colleges.

We believe that God has placed us here so that we might reach out to the lost and the least in our neighborhood, welcome them with the heart of Christ, be a sanctuary of peace and hope for all, and joyfully proclaim the reality of God’s kingdom.

peddiechurchhistoricbuildingrenovation4Participating in the Spiritual Renewal in Newark

The total cost of the restoration is $800,000, most of which is a loan to be paid off over ten years. Though the scale of the project is beyond the means of our congregation, we have taken a step of faith this year, trusting that God will provide all that is needed to complete it.

This restoration project is far more than repairing the building. It’s investing in the next generation and participating in the spiritual renewal of the city. In the city of Newark, we are experiencing urban renewal, with exciting opportunities to reach out to people from all walks of life – the homeless, students from nearby colleges, working adults, and families with children. We dream of seeing our sanctuary used for all kinds of meetings throughout the week with the ultimate purpose of making disciples of all nations.peddiechurchhistoricbuildingrenovation2

We invite you to participate in our mission of making disciples in the city of Newark by
praying that we might be faithful to God and His kingdom purpose and by giving generously as you are prompted by the Holy Spirit. We are grateful to God for your friendship and partnership in ministry. May the Lord bless you with the abundant and overflowing riches of His kingdom!

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PDF Brochure on the Sanctuary Renovation Project