Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:3).
As you contemplate making a financial donation in support of the work of spreading the good news of Jesus-Christ to the ends of the earth, through the disciples of the Lord Jesus at Peddie Church, we prayerfully submit to your attention some projects that we are actively seeking funding for:
Current Projects
Sanctuary Renovation Project
We have embarked on a major project to restore the historical Peddie Church sanctuary,
repairing all the leaks from the roof as well as making improvements on the exterior of
the building to ensure its integrity for many decades to come. The total cost of the restoration is approximately $800,000, most of which is a loan to be paid off over ten years. We have taken a step of faith, trusting that God is calling us to prepare the sanctuary for the next generation of disciples in Newark.
If you are so moved by the Holy Spirit, we ask you to take time in prayer and consider how giving generously to support the restoration of Peddie Church sanctuary can be part of your spiritual growth. You’d be investing in the next generation and participating in the spiritual renewal in Downtown Newark. Please click here to read more about this project or download the Peddie Church Sanctuary Renovation brochure (pdf) to learn more.
Digital Archiving of Historical Peddie Church Records

First Baptist Peddie Memorial Church was first organized on June 6, 1801, by a small group of believers seeking to open a place of worship in the town of Newark. By His sovereign grace, God guided the church to grow steadily during the industrial development of Newark in the 1800’s and be a blessing to many souls.
The present building was dedicated to God in 1890 by the generous gift of Thomas B. Peddie, a businessman who also served two terms as Mayor of Newark.
Remembering our past and the reason for our existence is crucial as we prepare for the future and nurture the next generation to lead our congregation so that the light of Christ may continue to shine in Downtown Newark. We welcome your donations to support the digitization of the records available at church to ensure a longer survival and for sharing with the broader public.