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Living in light of the reality that God has broken down every dividing wall and has reconciled us to be one family, we strive to be a spiritual home for the ethnically and culturally diverse communities in New Jersey. We believe in the power of the Gospel to touch our deepest aspirations and longings and transform us into the likeness of Christ.

Sunday Service at 10:30 AM
Weekly Events
Prayer & Bible Study:
Friday 7:00 pm
Narcotics Anonymous:
Thursday 1:00 pm
Stepping Stones to Shalom:
Wednesdays and Fridays 4:00-6:30 pm
Choir Practice:
Saturday 10:30 am & Sunday 9:00 am
Praise Team Practice:
Sunday 9:30 am
Sunday School:
9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service:
10:30 am
Being God in the human flesh, our Lord Jesus knows better than anyone else what happens in the heavenly realms when we pray. He is in the best position to teach us to pray, and the prayer that He taught His disciples, the Lord’s Prayer, is the foundation upon which all our prayers should be built
Let's meet
572 Broad Street
Newark, New Jersey
Secretary : Carol Gallentine
Phone: + 1 973 642 2552
Parking is free on Sundays- available in the commercial lot on Fulton Street across from the church
Pastoral visits by appointment Tuesdays through Fridays